Romanian Ministry

SLM Agro Com, Romania

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Agriculture Program


Prayer Requests

  • Wisdom and guidance for the staff in their relationships with the local Romanians.

  • Safety for everyone involved in the operation of farm equipment.

  • That the lives of the SLM Ag staff could be a light to a people who don't believe in "The True Light".

  • That the crops the people rely on for income and sustenance,  would yield plenty.

   The Agriculture Program was the original focal point of the ministry in Romania, and while not the focal point it once was, this program continues to build our relationship with the Romanian people.

   Improved seed varieties and farming methods that the Romanians are being brought and taught through the Ag program, will help them make the best of their "parcel" of ground. The food most of these people grow is their main source of income; and they must work all spring, summer, and fall for the food to keep them alive throughout the year. By assisting them in working the ground, and planting and harvesting, we seem to be able to cultivate relationships better than many other ways. These relationships are key to what our ultimate goal is; when they trust us, and see how our lives are lived each day, they become open and receptive to the reasons we speak, love, live, and  work like we do.

   SLM also does an Agriculture Self-help program. Machinery is purchased and placed in villages, then managed by a committee appointed by the local church. These projects remain under the general oversight of the SLM administrator on the field and greatly help in the planting and harvesting of crops; making a way for the Romanians to learn "hands-on" the best way to provide for their families.


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